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  1. Ritesh Saurabh on February 26, 2009 at 10:11 PM

    """"If there are three R/3 systems in your current system landscape, then there will be three databases.

    can u plz explain this one to one mapping between R/3 system and database ?

    i think...if aggregate database load is not high, 3 R/3 systems can work on one database if these R/3 syetm enjoy different clients.

    need ur input.

  2. Chinu on February 27, 2009 at 6:52 PM

    Ritesh -

    I am not an expert to answer this question but i would like to share my view.

    SAP gives much emphasis on data security, simply for the fact that mishandling of sensitive business data can cause huge financial losses. Companies pay huge amount of money to SAP partners for that. So SAP has given this concept of having one R/3 system and one Database so that malicious intent can be checked with proper authority checks in Production environment.

    I guess you might have one question with my reply? Can't we have different clients in the same environment and access accordingly ?

    The answer to this question is -

    Just think what will happen to the data which are client independent.....

  3. Unknown on March 5, 2014 at 7:41 AM

    It is really great, a good job,
    you have explained very well,

    But I would like to mention, that MS, GW , ICM are now work process, they are services,

