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Triggering XML outbound via BOR (business Object repository) event

by vinaysingh | Tuesday, September 22, 2009 in | comments (1)

Triggering XML outbound via BOR (business Object repository) event

we are considering for change documents


choose the object from the list display(if object already exit) otherwise make new entry by clicking on new entry tab.

Fill in the details/change the exisiting details ,as per your need :-

1.2 SWETYPV - we need to Maintain/display the EVENT type linkages.

check /fill in the details by double clicking on the object category of your concern :-

2 Testing the EVENT/WORKFLOW :-

Enter the name of workflow that you have created :-

press F8 to test :-

to test the workflow/Event :-


2.2.1 SWEL :- display event trace.

put the date range between which you want to see the event

Press F8:-

2.2.2. Manually triggering via tc: SWUE - Trigger an event

settings :-

object key:-

Create Event :-

event trace :-

details :-

work items :-

error while setting up trusted system RFC

by vinaysingh | Thursday, September 17, 2009 in | comments (0)

when you try to create a trusted RFC connection and you get following error message :-

one of the probable reason could be missing authorization.you need to assign following authorization objects to the user (via role,add the authorization objects to a role and assign it too the user) :-




by vinaysingh | Wednesday, September 16, 2009 in | comments (0)

Source Database Version :
Target Database Version :


1) Checking the Correct UNIX Users, Groups, and Authorizations
--> You need to check that the ora user has write authorization for the /oracle directory, since the ora user performs the database installation.

touch /oracle/write_test
rm /oracle/write_test

--> If the user ora does not have write authorization, log on to your system with the user root and enter the command:

chgrp dba /oracle
chmod 775 /oracle

--> Enter the following command with the user ora:

umask 022

2)Checking the Directory Structure

You need to verify the availability and correctness of the following Oracle directories:
a) stage
b) oracle inventory directory
c) home directory

a) --> For the upgrade to Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2) create the staging directory /oracle/stage/102_64.

--> When the RDBMS CDs have been mounted, use the SAP tool SAPCAR to extract all the RDBMS CDs to /oracle/stage/102_64 as user ora.

SAPCAR –xvf OR110264.SAR

--> After extraction of the Oracle software to /oracle/stage/102_64 do the following:
Rename the original SAP folder by performing
mv /oracle/stage/102_64/database/SAP /oracle/stage/102_64/database/SAP_ORIG

--> Download the file RDBMS_SAP_64.zip (for 64-bitplatforms) attached to SAP Note

819830 and copy it to a temporary location such as /tmp.

--> Extract the zip file by performing
cd /oracle/stage/102_64/database
unzip /tmp/RDBMS_SAP.zip

b)--> Check the Oracle inventory directory.
The Oracle inventory directory maintains the inventory of all Oracle software installed on the system. The path to the Oracle inventory directory is mentioned in the file oraInst.loc, which you can find under
/var/opt/oracle or under /etc.

--> One of the entries of oraInst.loc or inventory_location points to the location of the Oracle inventory. When you execute the OUI for the first time on the system, the OUI prompts you for the path to theinventory directory. The
default location for the Oracle inventory is


c)--> Create the empty Oracle home directory before starting the OUI.
You need to create the Oracle home directory before you can start the
Oracle software installation. The Oracle Home directory is normally

3) Running the Pre-Upgrade Script

--> Execute the following commands:
sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> spool /tmp/pre_upgrade.log
SQL> @/oracle/stage/102_64/database/SAP/utlu102i.sql

4)Checking the Prerequisites for the Oracle Universal Installer
--> Log in as the Oracle user ora.
cd /oracle/stage/102_64/database
./runInstaller –executeSysPrereqs

5) Checking the SAP System Prerequisites
--> Download the latest version of dbsl (dboraslib.so, dboraslib.sl, or dboraslib.o) for your release from the SAP Service Marketplace at:


6) Migrating to Automatic Undo Management
--> Refer note:- 600141

7) Checking the SYSTEM and SYSAUX Tablespace for Freespace
--> You can check this by executing one of the following commands as the ora user:

brspace –f dbshow –c tsinfo –s SYSTEM
brspace –f dbshow –c tsinfo –s SYSAUX

8) Checking for Invalid Database Objects
--> This optional step lets you check if there are any invalid database objects
before the database upgrade to Oracle database 10g starts. After the upgrade It helps you distinguish database objects that have become invalid due to
the upgrade process from those that were already invalid to start with.

--> Execute following commands
SQL> spool invalid_objects
SQL> select unique object_name, object_type, owner from dba_objects
where status ='INVALID';
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql
SQL> select unique object_name, object_type, owner from dba_objects
where status = 'INVALID';
SQL> spool off

--> Check the list of invalid objects after the upgrade.

9)Installing the Oracle Instant Client

--> Refer note 819829.


1) --> To install the database software you need to check and set the environment variables of user ora because this user installs the Oracle software.

--> You set the environment variables below by editing the files
.dbenv_.sh and .dbenv_.csh in the home directory of

--> Make sure the following environment variables are not set:


--> Set the following environment variables:
ORACLE_HOME /oracle/SID/102_64
NLS_LANG /oracle/stage/102_64/database/SAP

--> Set the corresponding environment variable for the library path:

--> Include $ORACLE_HOME/bin in your PATH or path variable,

2)Backing Up the Oracle Inventory

--> If the Oracle inventory exists, check its location by looking at the entry in one of the following files: /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc /etc/oraInst.loc The location is shown as follows: inventory_loc=

--> Make a backup of your existing Oracle inventory before you start the Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2) software installation.

3)Running the Oracle Universal Installer
--> cd /oracle/stage/102_64/database/Disk1/SAP

4)Installing the Current Patch Set
--> Refer note 871735. Install as ora user.

5)Installing Required Interim Patches via OPatch
--> Refer note 871096.

6)Copying and Adapting the SQL*Net Files

After the database software installation, you must copy and modify the old SQL*Net files, that is, listener.ora, sqlnet.ora, and tnsnames.ora.
--> Logon as ora user.
If ora has environment variable TNS_ADMIN set, do the following:

a)Choose a new location for the new SQL*Net parameter files
and set TNS_ADMIN to point to the new location .

b) Copy the SQL*Net parameter files from the old location

c) Edit the new SQL*Net files by adapting all file paths for the new directory. Be sure to adapt the value of ORACLE_HOME in the listener.ora file.

--> The SQL*Net parameter files are located in /network/admin:

a) Copy the SQL*Net parameter files from to
b)Edit the new SQL*Net files by adapting all file paths for the new directory. Be sure to adapt the value of ORACLE_HOME in the listener.ora file.

7)Backing Up the Oracle Database

--> Create a complete database backup.

8)Shutting Down the SAP System and Oracle Listener Process

--->You need to shut down the SAP system and the Oracle listener running
process running in the old ORACLE_HOME, for example, in

9) --> Stop the SAP application server by entering the following command as user sapsid>adm:
stopsap r3
Stop the Oracle listener by entering the following command as user ora:
lsnrctl stop

10) Checking the oratab Entry
--> Make sure that the oratab file contains the following entry:
Where old_ORACLE_HOME stands for the path to the old oracle software

--> If this entry does not exist, insert it using a text editor.

11) Starting the Database Upgrade Assistant
--> Make sure that you start the DBUA in the Oracle 10.2 user environment. To
do this, carefully check the first point below.
Confirm that the following environment variables point to Oracle 10.2
ORACLE_HOME points to /oracle//102_64
--> Before you start the DBUA make sure that the DISPLAY environment
variable is correctly set
--> You start the DBUA:

Respond appropriately to the DBUA dialogs:
The Welcome screen provides information about the upgrade assistant

a) Choose Next to continue.

The Databases screen lets you select the database to be upgraded.

b) Select the correct database and choose Next.
The DBUA now analyzes the database to be upgraded, performs pre-
upgrade checks, and issues warnings if necessary. You can ignore
warnings about the following:

Stale optimizer statistics
Changes to the Oracle CONNECT role

--> Make the following entries:
Datafile Path: $SAPDATA_HOME/sapdata1/sysaux_1/sysaux.data1

--> Select Reuse Existing File Name.
Enter 1000 MB in Size.
Enter 100 MB in Increment.
Enter 2000 MB in Maximum Size.

-->Accept the default values, select Recompile invalid objects after the upgrade, turn off archiving for the duration of the upgrade, and choose Next

--> Since you have already backed up the database, select I have already
backed up my database and choose Next.

--> Make sure that Configure the database with Enterprise Manager is not
selected and choose Next.

-->Review the summary of changes and choose Back to make any final
adjustments, if required.

--> Start the database upgrade by choosing Finish.

--> Review the changes made and exit the DBUA.


1)--> Finalizing the Environment of the oraUser
You need to make sure that the changes you made to the Oracle user
environment are permanently stored in the profiles (.cshrc,
.dbenv_.csh, and so on).

--> Make sure that the environment does not contain any variables that still refer
to the old database release.

2) Checking the Upgraded Database

--> Check that the database is now running with Oracle Database 10g Release 2
(10.2) software in an Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2) environment by entering the following commands:

a) Log onto the database as the ora user.
b) Enter the following command to start SQLPLUS:
sqlplus / as sysdba
c) Enter the following SQL commands:
--> Enter the following command to determine the release of the installed software:

SQL> select version from V$INSTANCE;

--> Enter the following command to determine the release and status of the
installed database components:
SQL> select comp_id, version, status from dba_registry;
Make sure that the command returns the status VALID.
--> Check that the version returned in the previous two commands is identical.

3) --> Check that the value for the version returned from the above command is the
same level as the installed patchset.

For example, if the installed patchset is Oracle, the above command
should also report the version for the CATALOG and CATPROC
components as

4)--> After the upgrade check that the following document is created:

5)Updating BR*Tools

--> Download the most current service.sap.com/swdc.

--> After you have extracted the newest BR*Tools, you also need to copy the
BR*Tools configuration files init.sap and init.utl from
the old $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory to the new one
(init.utl is only available if you are using a third-party backup

cd /dbs
cp init.sap $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
cp init.utl $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
--> Execute the following commands as the ora user to update the
SAPDBA role:
cp /usr/sap//SYS/exe/run/sapdba_role.sql $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs.
sqlplus /nolog @sapdba_role .

6)Backing Up the Database

--> You need to back up your upgraded Oracle Database 10g database.
Perform a full database backup.

7)Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks

--> Change database compatibility by executing the following SQL command as
the ora user:
SQL> alter system set compatible='10.2.0' scope = spfile;
--> Restart the Oracle database

--> Deactivate the Oracle recycle bin by executing the
SQL> purge dba_recyclebin;
SQL> alter system set recyclebin = 'off'
For more information, see SAP Note 838982.

--> Gather Oracle optimizer statistics as follows:
a) Execute the following commands as the ora user:
SQL> spool $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/dbstats.log
SQL> execute dbms_scheduler.disable('GATHER_STATS_JOB');
SQL> execute dbms_stats.gather_system_stats;
SQL> execute dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats
SQL> execute dbms_stats.gather_fixed_objects_stats;

b) Check the log file dbstats.log created at $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs
for any errors during the gathering of statistics

--> Identify the objects that are invalid after the upgrade as follows:
a) Execute the following commands as the ora user:

SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql;
SQL> spool $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/invalid_post.log
SQL> select count(*) from dba_objects where status = 'INVALID';
SQL> select substr(owner,1,12) owner, substr(object_name,1,30)

object, substr(object_type,1,30) type, status from
dba_objects where status <>'VALID' order by owner;
SQL> spool off;
c) Check the log file invalid_post.log. created at $ORACLE_HOME/
cfgtoollogs/invalid_post.log to compare the invalid objects before the
start of the upgrade..

--> Check the Oracle database parameters against SAP Note 830576 and
adjust them if necessary.

--> Make sure that the following database parameters, if set, are removed;


--> Restart the database to activate the changes:

a) Log on to the database with SQL*Plus
b) Execute the following commands:
sqlplus / as sysdba
shutdown immediate

--> Gather statistics for SAP schemas:

a)With Oracle Database 10g all tables have statistics, which means that
you need to update some entries in the DBSTATC table before starting BRCONNECT, as follows:
sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> @/oracle/stage/102_64/database/SAP/updDBSTATC10.sql

b)Update the DBCHECKORA control table after the upgrade as follows:
cd /oracle/stage/102_64/database/SAP
sqlplus sap/ @dbcheckora10upgr

c) Update the Oracle database statistics with BRCONNECT as follows:
brconnect -c -u / -f stats -t all –f collect -p 4

--> Installing Oracle Critical Patch Updates via OPatch
Refer note 850306 and 871096

--> Checking the oratab entry
a) You check the entry for the oratab file.
b) Make sure that there is an entry like the following in your oratab file:
new_ORACLE_HOME indicates the path to the Oracle Database 10g
c) If the entry does not exists insert it using a text editor.

--> Starting the Listener Process
Start the listener:
lsnrctl start
Check that you can remotely connect to sqlplus SAP/pwd@SID

--> Renaming the Old $ORACLE_HOME/bin Directory

Rename the old Oracle home directory bin with the following command:

mv /bin /bin-old

--> Checking the Read Authorization of the adm User

1. Make sure that the adm user has read authorization for the
directory $ORACLE_HOME.

2. If this is not true, enter the following command as the ora user:
chmod 755 $ORACLE_HOME

--> Changing the Environment for the adm user
You have to change the environment for the adm user, but only
on the database server.
1.On the database server set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to point to the location of the Oracle Database 10g software installation, for example:

2.Make sure that the change to the user environment is permanently
stored in the profiles (.cshrc, .dbenv_.csh, and so on).

3.Log out and log on again as the adm user.

4.Check whether R3trans can connect to the database:
R3trans –d

-->Checking SAP Profile Parameters
You have to check the following SAP profile parameters:

1.Set DIR_ORAHOME and DIR_CLIENT_ORAHOME in the instance profiles to the corresponding values of the
ORACLE_HOME environment variable of the adm user.
These variables point to the ORACLE_HOME used by the application server.

2.Set DIR_SERVER_ORAHOME in the default profile to the value of
the ORACLE_HOME environment variable of the ora user
on the database server.

--> Starting the SAP System
1. If R3trans connects without problems, start the SAP system:
3. Check the new Oracle version using SAP transaction ST04.

--> Configuring the New Features for Oracle Database 10g
Release 2 (10.2)
Refer note 828268

SLD configuration

by vinaysingh | Monday, August 24, 2009 in | comments (1)

SLD configurations

Step 1 :

(a) Go to \usr\sap\\JC\j2ee\admin and run go. bat [in AS JAVA]

and :\usr\sap\\DV*\j2ee\admin and run go.bat [In ABAP+JAVA]

(b) Go to Instance-->Server-->Services-->SLD Data Supplier-->HTTP Settings

(c) Enter the details of Local SLD as per the screen shot given below

(d) Trigger the Data Supply by click on the blue color arrow at the top

Step 2:

(a) Go to \usr\sap\\JC\j2ee\admin and run go. bat
(b)Go to Instance--> Server-->Services-->SLD Data Supplier-->CIM Client Generation Settings tab
(c) Enter the details of SLDMain as per the screen shot given below

(e) Save the Settings and Trigger the Data Supply as done before

Step 3:

Go to the URL http://:50$$0/sld this is our Local SLD

(a) Go to the administration tabDataSuppliers

(b) Add a new SLD that is SLDMAIN in it with the data supplier userid/password

(c) This will trigger the data supply from Local SLD to SLDMain

(d) Go to the SLDMain URL : http://:50$$0/sld and check whether or not the data it receives from local SLD is true
(e) This SLD data flow is unidirectional

How to revert back the Changes?

To revert back the changes you just have to remove the above configurations you have made. In the Instance--> Server-->Services-->SLD Data Supplier-->HTTP Settings and Instance. Server-->Services-->SLD Data Supplier-->CIM Client Generation Settings tab of Visual Administrator mention Local SLD or SLDMain based on the team’s requirement. Also we have to
remove the SLDmain from the data supplier functionality given in administration tab of Local sld.

Generation of csmconf

Login to Solman with a user having basis authorization.

Run RZ21

Save in required location

Copy the csmconf file to:


Create JCo RFC connections in Visual admin

Check for the system to be ONLINE (RZ21):-

Checking the SLD connection:-

Adjusting ABAP Dictionary Objects and Repository Objects

by vinaysingh | Thursday, August 20, 2009 in | comments (1)

An adjustment of ABAP Dictionary objects is carried out with transaction SPDD,

It must be performed as soon as you are prompted to carry out a modification

adjustment for ABAP Dictionary objects.

objects to adjusted are

a) Domains
b)Data elements
c) Tables (structures, transparent tables, pooled and
cluster tables including their technical settings, indexes of transparent tables).

Changes to other ABAP Dictionary objects such as type groups, table types,
views, search helps, match code objects, match code indexes and lock objects
cannot result in the loss of data. They are not done by transaction SPDD,
but by transaction SPAU (post upgrade activity).

In the adjustment procedure, ABAP Dictionary objects before the upgrade
(old version) are compared with objects after the upgrade (new version).

one must perform one of the following actions for all objects presented for adjustment:

a)Retain modification

Confirm that you want to adopt the modification or maintain the changes with the appropriate maintenance transaction.

Click the yellow traffic light in transaction SPDD to execute the data transfer reports.

b)Cancel modification

Choose Reset to original

when doing the modification and enhancements ,we have three options to choose from :-

a)With Modification Assistant 

Objects modified With the Modification Assistant are adjusted automatically or in the individual

ABAP Workbench tools using either corresponding dialog boxes or the split screen editor(SPAU Activity) .

we generally do not do direct maintenance of adjustment objects.

B)Without Modification Assistant

To adjust objects without the Modification Assistant we use version management .

When modifying objects where version management cannot be used, one need to document any changes that he/she make.

c)Deleted Objects

This node contains objects which are deleted in the newer version of SAP

and this node is to be left as it is.

pic(below):- select object

pic(below):- version management

pic(below):-current version already exist as previous version

pic(below):- reset to original


The adjustment of Repository objects is carried out with transaction SPAU.

Only those objects that have been modified by you and are being redelivered by SAP

in an upgrade are presented for adjustment.

The system automatically recognizes during upgrade if modification adjustment is necessary.You are then prompted to perform the modification adjustmentYou must decide whether the objects contained in the adjustment list should retain your modifications or if they should be reset to original.

when Running SPAU :-

a) use any oter user than DDIc.

b)When an object is modified for the first time, a change request is created

where modifications should be recorded.

c)If several developers are involved in the modification adjustment process,

one can create a changeable transport request with several tasks before modification adjustment begins.

d)If each developer creates his or her own transport request during modification adjustment,

these requests must be consolidated into a single request. This single request which contains

all modification adjustment objects can be selected for transport to subsequent systems.
